
发布时间:2016-05-19 14:05 分类:历年真题


英译汉Passage 1
  For more than a decade, archaeologists and historians have been studying the contents of a ninth-century Arab dhow (三角帆船)that was discovered in 1998 off Indonesia’s Belitung Island. The sea-cucumber divers who found the wreck had no idea it eventually would be considered one of the most important maritime discoveries of the late 20th century.

  The dhow was carrying a rich cargo — 60,000 ceramic pieces and an array of gold and silver works — and its discovery has confirmed how significant trade was along a maritime silk road between Tang Dynasty China and Abbasid Iraq. It also has revealed how China was mass-producing trade goods even then and customizing them to suit the tastes of clients in West Asia.

  "Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds,” at the new, lotus-shaped ArtScience Museum designed by Moshe Safdie, presents items from the Belitung wreck. Curated by the Asian Civilisations Museum here and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and Smithsonian Institution in Washington, the show is expected to travel to museums around the world over the next five to six years.

  “This exhibition tells us a story about an extraordinary moment in globalization,” said Julian Raby,director of the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. “It brings to life the tale of Sinbad sailing to China to make his fortune. It shows us that the world in the ninth century was not as fragmented as we assumed. There were two great export powers: the Tang in the east and the Abbasid based in Baghdad.”

  Until the Belitung find, historians had thought that Tang China traded primarily through the land routes of Central Asia, mainly on the Silk Road. Ancient records told of Persian fleets sailing the Southeast Asian seas but no wrecks had been found, until the Belitung dhow. Its cargo confirmed that a huge volume of trade was taking place along a maritime route, said Heidi Tan, a curator at the Asian Civilisations Museum and a co-curator of the exhibition.
       1. 稀土作为不可再生的重要战略资源,在新能源、新材料、节能环保、航空航天、电子信息等领域的应用日益广泛。。。。
       2.过去,对于大多数中国人来说,拥有一辆私家车只是一个梦想,因为汽车价格是普通工薪阶层一年工资的十几倍。In the past,owning a private car was but a dream for most Chinese people because the price of a car could be 10 times more than the annual income of the average wage-earner.然而,近年来,随着生活水平的提高和车价的下降,一些人已经购置了汽车,拥有私家车的人数逐年上升。In recent years,however,along with the rise of the living standard and the drop in car price,some people have bought their own cars,and the mumber in car ownership is growing every years.但即便如此,私家车对于大多数人仍然是奢侈品。Even so,a private car is still a luxury for most people.世纪之交,许多汽车制造商瞄准私家车市场,开发了适用家庭的低价位小型汽车,At the turn of the new century,with an eye on the private car market,many auto makers have developed low-cost,small cars suitable for family use.使普通老百姓有希望在不久的将来圆私家车之梦。This has given common people hope that their dream of owning a car will come true in the near future.


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