【2015】南京大学 211翻译硕士英语 真题回忆,卓越考研特整理南京大学考研真题,为广大考生提供有效的信息支持。
One child, one teacher,one book, one pen can change the world”. Idealistic perhaps, but teaching is ajob that makes a significant impact to every single student. A job that doesn’treally feel like work,teaching allows you to make a significant contribution to the individuals inyour care, and society as a whole.
Thismakes teaching one of the most fulfilling careers, rewarding both the teacher and student as they developtogether. Sharing your knowledge, educating and nurturing students to think bythemselves, and seeing them make progress is what inspires the hundreds of thousands of teachersacross America to get out of bedevery morning. Few otherprofessions can boast such a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.
Therole and importance of a teacher it is all too easy to overlook. Teachers are responsible for planning theirlessons according to the latest curriculum, making lessons interactive to helpstudents absorb information better, and understanding each of their student’s needs in terms of what suits themand finding teaching methods that work best accordingly.
2. 阅读
跟去年一样,没有变化,主题是 Superintelligence 讲了什么是超智能,可能给人类带来什么危害,以及目前的解决办法。如果你看过美剧 Personof Interest 你就能理解了。
3. 写作
中文是否可以取代英语成为a lingua franca?