
发布时间:2017-03-30 17:03 分类:历年真题







一 中文试题部分(共100分)





















四 论述题(共三道小题,每小题15分,共45分)





五 英文部分(共4道小题,其中(一)(二)道小题各10分,(三)(四)道小题各15分,共50分)

(一)In the latter part of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth the Supreme court considerably restricted the enactment of social dealing with such matters as workman’s compensation, minimum wages and hours of work, on such grounds as that they infringed the individual’s right to enter into whatever contracts he pleased and infringed the clause in the constitution that no state shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contract’s, Judges will necessarily interpret the constitution according to their own ideas, and such ideas may not always accord with those of the bulk of the population, but the legislatures which passed the statutes in question were democratically elected, whereas the judges were appointed.



(二)If jurisprudence has a heartland all its own, it is legal theory. March discussion about the moral claims of the law, and the moral claims on the law, takes the concept of law itself for granted. Yet, answers to such questions may turn on what picture of law we have. Legal theory asks: What is nature of law (everywhere, or just in the modern state)? Some would claim that this question deserves an answer in and for itself. For others, the question is important but subsidiary - when we have defined law, we can describe its functions and its values; or, we should choose between competing definitions of law by reference to the functions we believed it has or values we wish it to serve.


1.第一句话中的jurisprudencelegal theory各指什么?(4分)

2.翻译文中的:Legal theory asks: What is nature of law (everywhere, or just in the modern state)? Some would claim that this question deserves an answer in and for itself.3分)

3.文中的:important but subsidiarythe functions we believed it has or values we wish it to serve分别是什么含义?(3分)


(三)In federal court, civil cease have traditionally been resolved by a judge’s legal ruling, a jury verdict, or a judge’s verdict in cease not tried before a jury; or the partied’ agreement to settle their case after negotiation, often after a settlement conference presided over by judicial officer.

  An alternative to these methods is alternative dispute resolution(ADR); as time goes on, ADR procedures are being used more often in the federal courts.

  Most forms of ADR take place out of the courtroom, are not binding on parties, and involve referral of case to a neutral party.

  By promoting settlement, ADR may reduce litigation cost and delays. Fed. R. Civ. P.16(b) provides that at any pretrial conference, the court may consider both settlement and “the use of special procedures to assist in resolving the dispute when authorized by statute or local rule.” Variation among forms of court-based ADR allows the court the discretion to choose the form most appropriate for the case at hand.

  In some cases the court may decide to incorporate ADR into a schedule of phased discovery.

  ADR might be scheduled after a preliminary phase of discovery giving the parties a fairly clear sense of the evidence bearing on the factual issues.

    After ADR, the court may schedule a second pretrial conference.

  ●  If the parties do not settle, latter phases of discovery take place after ADR.


1.Translate the first paragraph into Chinese(5分)

2.Answer following question with Chinese:

A. How can the court use ADR to resolve the dispute?5分)

B. In which stage the court can use ADR during the litigation?(5分)



The model of perfect competition has been used to perpetuate laissez-faire policies in the face of reform demands. Because everything worked out “for the best” in the model, it was asserted that government intervention, regardless of good intentions, would upset the economy’s autonomous tendency toward a beneficial equilibrium. To accept abuse, injustice, and avoidable human misery for that reason was not only callous, it was also illogical on two grounds;(1) In practice, the economy fails to satisfy a number of critical assumptions of the perfect competition model. As a result, actual markets do not always cater efficiently to consumer tastes. (2) Even if the price system were efficient, the result would not reflect all important social and economic values. Laissez-faire in these circumstances represents neither a devotion to perfect competition nor an exercise of social wisdom, although it will sometimes be preferable to illococeived or poorly executed government correctives.

Antitrust law implicitly but clearly takes a particular stance toward the economic problem to which it applies. On one hand, its very enactment indicates that legislators rejected the belief that market forces are sufficiently strong, self-correcting, and well-directed to guarantee the results that perfect competition would bring. On the other hand, antitrust’s domain is intrinsically limited. Antitrust is not the nationalization of industry, which would reflect a decision that only direct government operation can provide the desired result. Antitrust also is not direct, extensive regulation of industry, an alternative that has been enacted for some public utilities. Rather, antitrust supplements, or perhaps, defines the rules of the game by which competition takes place. In thus assumes that market force - guided by the limitations imposed by antitrust law - will produce good results or at least better results than any of the alternative that largely abandon reliance on market forces. Therefore, the perfect competition model can be viewed as a central target, the result of which antitrust seeks, but the conditions for which antitrust does not take for granted. Antitrust thus looks to perfect competition for guidance, but the analysis inevitably emphasizes the myriad and complex imperfections of actual markets.


Question 1: How does the writer perceive government’s role in a market economy? What reasons does he/she raise to support his/her arguments?(5分)

Question 2: What is the lawmakers’ view upon competition in certain public utilities?(5分)

Question 3How does antitrust law solves the problem of imperfect market?(5分)




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